Simple Method to Lighten Dark Neck With One Kitchen Ingredient

Dark neck is a typical wonder issue faced by women, which is likewise called as Acanthosis Nigricans.
It is a skin condition that is caused by dark pigmentation on the skin.There are numerous individuals experiencing the skin disorder which impacts on their self-confidence. Keep in mind that this skin disorder is not created by an infection.

Generally it is caused by the top layer of the skin called

epidermis which contains a substance known as melanin. Melanin gives color to the skin yet because it is produced by the body from different conditions like sun exposure, hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, utilization of birth control, and sun burn.

Aging and sun exposure are the two basic causes for skin discoloration. Dark neck can be the primary symptom of various health problems such as polycystic ovary syndrome, genetics and diabetes. Lack of hygiene, weight loss or weight gain and unbalanced diet can also be the reasons for discoloration. You should not let dark neck ruin your face.

Home remedies for dark neck:

1. Lemon:

Lemon is a typical ingredient in terms of helping the skin. This is because of its bleaching properties that aid in reducing the pigmentation of the skin. It likewise has normal citric acid that help lighten the dark neck in just couple of days. There are various ways to apply lemon on your skin. You can apply this lemon juice on the skin, or you can take fresh slice of lemon so that you rub it against the skin. Keep in mind when utilizing the lemon on the skin you should avoid contact with sunlight. It can be the cause for irritation on the skin or stinging sensation.

2. Oats:

Oats is a natural exfoliate on the skin. The oats will aid in removing oil deposits, dirt and grime on the skin. A combination of oats and tomato pulp is an effective recipe for dark neck. The oats removes the dead skin cells and the tomato pulp will lighten the skin. You should blend equal parts of oats and tomato pulp together. Utilize the pasta around your neck, and massage it for about 10 minutes. By utilizing a pumice stone and water you can remove the pasta. After you dry your skin apply a moisturizer. You should do this three times a week.

3. Fruit Mask

Fruit masks which are made of lightening and exfoliating fruits like banana, avocado, orange, apple, papaya, etc. will work well in reducing the darkness of the neck. These fruits contain enzymes and vitamins that improve the skin’s appearance . A fruit mask can tone the skin, lighten the dark patches and it can likewise moisturize it. You can easily blend your choice of fruits in a blender and utilize as a mask.

4. Baking Soda

Baking soda is excellent for exfoliating the skin and lightening. By applying baking soda on the skin, you can remove dark patches caused by hyper pigmentation. You can take half a cup of baking soda, and put one or two teaspoons of water. The blend should be a thick paste. Apply the pasta on your neck and rub it in a circular motion. You should do this for 10 minutes and let it stay for 10 minutes. After that wash it with warm water. Do this every day for a week.

These natural remedies are used to moisturize, scrub and cleanse the skin to lessen the darkness on the neck.