Pimples on the buttocks are actually relatively common. Dirt
and moisture get trapped by your clothing — add the friction that comes from
sitting, and you’ve got a recipe for breakouts.
Technically, however, pimples
on the buttocks aren’t considered acne; usually you’re experiencing one of two
related conditions. Folliculitis is a surface inflammation of the hair follicles;
cysts or boils, also known as nodulocystic acne, are deeper and larger bumps
under the skin. Treatment options are similar to those for true acne, however.
Using Natural Remedies
- Get sun on your buttocks when possible. In a case that you have a private backyard or a nude beach nearby, let your buns soak up a little sun on a warm day. The sun naturally aids in drying up excess oil.
- Be sure to apply a non-comedogenic sunscreen beforehand to avoid sunburn.
- You should use this method once in a while. Too much sun is damaging to the skin.
- Drink a mixture of cream of tartar and water. You will need one tablespoon of cream of tartar into eight ounces of drinking water. Drink it.
- This combination helps flush the body of toxins.
- If you cannot stand the taste, then you can mix into flavored juice.
- Rehash once a day for a few months until the acne starts to heal.
- Make an aspirin mask for your butt. You should crush up four or five aspirin pills. You have to be sure that there is no coating on the outside of the pills. Combine with one tablespoon lukewarm water and either a dollop of honey or plain yogurt, depending on your preference.
- Apply a thin layer over the entire surface of your buttocks.
- Leave the mask to dry before rinsing it off.
- Squeeze a natural acid on your pimples. Fresh lemon juice and apple cider vinegar can be utilized to treat pimples. In the event that your pimples have open sores, however, this can be painful. Leave on for about 30 minutes and rinse with cool water.
- Apply natural oil. Tea tree and coconut oil are great antibacterial and anti-fungal oils that can be rubbed on the problem areas to help heal acne.
- Rub an ice cube on large pimples to reduce inflammation. Even though this will not directly help heal your pimples, it will bring about immediate relief from painful pimples.
Preventing Future Breakouts
1. Wash your buttocks a minimum of once in the morning and
once at night.
2. Exfoliate the skin on your buttocks at least once per week.
You can utilize non-comedogenic (will not clog your pores) exfoliating cream
and a loofah. The exfoliation will uproot dead skin cells that might be
clogging your pores.
- Utilize soap with at least two percent benzoyl peroxide. It will clean out excess oil and help to clear your pimples.
- Use a toilet paper free of fragrances or dyes. Treated toilet paper can bring about chafing and promote the growth of pimples.
- Use a non-allergenic laundry soap and bleach to wash your clothes and sheets. There are specific detergents for individuals with sensitive skin as well. Utilize these products whenever possible to avoid irritation or an allergic reaction that may be caused by your current detergent.
- Wear loose-fitting clothes. The more breathable your clothing is, the less likely you are to trap sweat in unwanted places. You should opt for breathable underwear made from natural fibers like cotton.
- Sweat can get trapped on your buttocks, making it a perfect breeding ground for the oil and bacteria that cause butt acne.
- You have to change your underwear regularly, and shower after sweating.
- Try taking vitamins. At bare minimum, take one multivitamin and one Chelated Zinc tablet daily.
- Vitamin A, B5, C, E, Selenium, and Super Omega 3 are all known to promote healthy skin.
- Ask your doctor about the appropriate vitamins for you.
- Drink plenty of water. Water does remarkable things for your skin. You should drink eight glasses of water per day in order to hydrate your body, inside and out.
- Change your diet. Certain sugary, fatty, and fried junk foods can bring about an increase of insulin in the body, therefore forcing the body to produce more Sebum that is the cause of acne.
- Try a raw food diet in order to cleanse your body and to dispose of unwanted toxins.
- Sit less, stand more often. Sitting can prevent the skin from breathing adequately and sitting for long time causes clogged pores because of sweat and bacteria.
- During sitting at your desk or computer for long periods of time, you should stand up for a while and/or take a short brisk walk. You can do butt or leg exercises at your desk that will help the blood circulate.