Drink a liter of water before reaching the kitchen table can help you lose weight, a new study in obesity suggests.

Recruitment 84 obese adults to participate in a 12-week, the authors, having provided participants a consultation weight management in person, advises half of them randomly to drink half a liter of water (or two cups) 30 minutes before a "main meal", and the other half Imagine a full stomach before starting to eat (a follow-up phone came two weeks.)


Although the two groups, on average, lost weight at the end of 12 weeks, large consumers of water lost about three pounds more than the group of imagination. Among the first group, those who said they always drank before each meal, or "preloaded" lost 9.8 pounds compared to 1.76 pounds lost by only preloaded once a day or not at all.

"When combined with brief instructions on how to increase the amount of physical activity and a healthy diet, which seems to help people achieve a further weight loss - at a moderate pace and healthy" said lead author Dr. Helen Paretti the University of Birmingham, said in a statement. "It is something that a lot of work to integrate into our busy daily life is necessary."

For those wondering how the authors have managed to ensure that in reality participants in the ritual of water, they explained that the use of "multiple measures of respect ... including 24 hours of total collection urine. "

Other promising research

Although this study is preliminary, there are research other backups from the basic premise of the pre-load. A 2013 study in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition found that people who have already charged before a meal with fewer calories but nutritionally valuable foods like yogurt and salad (and water) experienced a larger decline weighting factors and other diseases of the cardiovascular disease risk during a period of three months compared with a control group.

Paretti and his colleagues hope to confirm their findings with a broad larger trial ,. If your little trick will continue to measure the water, it could be a real boon for those struggling with their weight.