This Amazing Drink Melts Fat In Only 4 Days
Those that think it is
impossible to lose weight quickly and achieve a sufficient level of sexiness in
time for their summer swimsuit show-off should try this miraculous drink. It is
easy to make, but its magic is long-lasting and exceptionally effective.
• 8 ½ cups of filtered
• 1 teaspoon of grated
ginger (you can use ginger root powder instead)
• 1 thinly sliced
medium-size cucumber
• 1 thinly sliced
• 12 mint leaves
How to prepare:
Take a large pitcher and
mix all the ingredients. Leave them overnight. The next day you have to remove
the mint leaves, ginger and the lemon slices; just pour the drink in a glass
and take sips throughout the entire day. You can keep the drink in the fridge
for up to two days if you want leave some for the next day too. However,
consume this drink 4 weeks straight if you want maximum results. There are no
side effects and you will feel rehydrated more than ever. Four weeks should be
enough to lose some weight.
Why is this drink great
for burning fat?
The ingredients in this
Cucumbers are one of
those vegetables that have the lowest amounts of calories. They are high in
dietary fiber and keep the body alkaline, and they act as a diuretic. They are
always great for weight loss.
Researchers at the Human
Nutrition at Columbia University have discovered that consuming a hot beverage
with ginger makes you feel fuller, which in turn prevents overeating.
The pectin fiber in the
lemons helps suppress food cravings, plus the lemons detoxify your body and
cleanse it by eliminating waste products. The lemons raise your pH level above
7 which is highly beneficial for your body. This happens when the juice has been
fully metabolized and its minerals have been dissociated in the bloodstream.
The mint is one of the
biggest appetite suppressants, which few people really know. Plus it gives the
drink a nice, refreshing flavor and will help you control your appetite.
It is very important to
hydrate your body and the best thing for that is water. On top of that by
consuming water often enough your muscles and joints will be lubricated and
food cravings will be reduced.