Lighten Your Elbows and Knees Naturally Fast

Darkened skin on the elbows and knees is a result of thickened and dead skin due to exposure to the sun, friction, pressure. These dead skin cells make the skin on the elbows and knees appear darker than the skin on the rest of the body.
When we do a desk job, we usually put our elbows on the desk as support. This makes these areas of the body darker, and some women find this embarrassing when they wear short skirts or short-sleeved dresses.

How to get rid off black knees and elbows naturally :

SPF Lotions: Body lotions with SPF protection are quite useful when it comes to getting rid off black knees and elbows. Remember to always apply a lotion with SPF whenever you go outside. The lotion will help protect your skin from the harmful UV rays which make the skin darker.

Sugar and olive oil scru: Take equal amounts of sugar and olive oil and mix them until you get a mixture with a thick consistency. Use this mixture to exfoliate the skin on your knees and elbows. Wash it off with mild soap and lukewarm water.

Aloe Vera gel: Aloe Vera has made its name when it comes to skin treatments. It helps reduce dark spots cause by sune exposure. Apply a coat of aloe Vera gel and leave it on for 30 minutes. It will make your knees and elbows feel renewed.

Hydrogen peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide will help reduce the darkness and the harm caused by over-exposure from the sun. Apply diluted hydrogen peroxide using a cotton wool and massage the spot for about 10 to 15 minutes.You can notice how the dark skin starts to come off.

Lemons:  Lemons help brighten your skin. Apply lemon juice on your dark knees and elbows and let it sit for about 40-50 minutes and then rinse with water. Use this method daily to see visible results.
Turmeric, honey and milk:  Turmeric is well known for its antiseptic properties. Honey o the other hand, helps moisturize dry skin while milk acts as a brightener. Mix turmeric powder with milk and honey to create a paste. Apply, and then rinse. These natural ingredients will help diminish the appearance of darkness.

Almonds:  Almonds are a great source of vitamin E, which helps in getting rid off darkened skin. Take some almonds and make a thick mixture from them which then you should rub on your knees and elbows. It will help exfoliate dead skin cells.

A few important tips:

Apply coconut oil before bad to reduce dark spots. Remember to wash knees and elbows before application.

Never skip your elbows and knees when you moisturize. Lack of hydration can lead to skin darkening.

Exfoliate your knees with volcanic pumice(a hollow volcanic rock).
You can use a skin whitening cream(consult your dermatologist).
Proper nutrition is very important. Consume food rich with vitamin A and vitamin E such as potatoes, almonds, spinach, carrots, dried apricots, lettuce etc.